The Mondadori Group coming back for more!

The Mondadori Group coming back for more!

The Mondadori Group is one of Europe’s chief publishing companies in the book sector, magazines and retail. Its activities in publishing range from creation of products to marketing and distribution, with more than 50 subsidiaries and 3,026 employees.

Since its inception, in 1907, the Mondadori Group has strived to be a sustainable media company through reconciling traditional values and innovation. They have been providing readers with numerous opportunities for growth, entertainment and enrichment, supporting the sustainable development of communities, all while developing the company into an inclusive and diverse business.



The first ‘Mondadori for you’ bookstore (Source)


As a media company they are aware of having a great responsibility towards their readers, users and the environment. It is a challenge as the company must ensure that their awareness and attention to the environment and community aligns to the company’s economic growth and development. Nonetheless, the Mondadori Group is a hospitable home where there is room for everyone; a house that welcomes many approaches to culture, without discrimination or prejudices.




Nudge is thrilled to welcome the Mondadori Group to the Challenge to discuss potential challenges such as the future of sustainable media. Giulia Mussap, of AdKaora, a subsidiary of the Mondadori Group, writes what she hopes to get out of the Challenge coming October.

“My academic background taught me about the changes our planet has gone through, while my current work is teaching me how to communicate them to the public in an impacting manner. I believe that the Nudge Global Impact Challenge can help me blend the two together in the best possible manner in order to make an inspiring difference.”  

Giulia Mussap

Operations and Media Specialist, AdKaora – Digital Responsive Agency Gruppo Mondadori